Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Clint parasailing on our way back from Isla Mujeres

Mindy parasailing - on the dismount, did a flip (not on purpose)  and got body slammed!!
Clint was begging everyone on the beach to let him burry them...he finally convinced this guy, who was very drunk.

YMCA - dancing on the boat!! (and Deonne's finger in the corner - I guess she wanted to be in the picture too)

These were the awesome outfits the baggers wore at Wal-Mart in Cancun...don't you wish we had them in the in USA!!!!

With this large of brim, you would think it would block the sun...

Snorkeling on the reef of Isla Mujeres 

The photographer made us smile under water...salty!!
I felt like I just ate a bag of Salt n' Vinegar chips

Watch out - Nacho - you may have some competition!

Deonne wasn't so sure about her dinner...especially when I mentioned it looked like Harvey, my childhood pet, the hermit crab!!!

Smile...we just ate dinner, it was yummy!!

Jessica's dinner was she is "finished" as Taysen would sign...

Brooke, why are you showing me your butter knife?? Are you threatening me???

This is what you do with all the umbrella’s from Clint's many, many piña colada he orders in a day (good thing they are included - I think he got 10-15 a day) 

End the day with a relaxing massage on the boat!!

Chitzen Itza Ruins (aka - chicken pizza - that was our drivers joke...we all thought it was the most funny thing ever, so for the rest of the trip when anyone would say, chitzen itza...we would all say "chicken pizza") it doesn't take much to make us laugh

This is a cenote (underground fresh water well) much fun to swim in and jump of the big jump.  I walked all the way to the top of the jump...waited...and waited some more, then walked the back embarrassing!!

Cancun was a blast -- if you go, let me know, so I can tell you all the wonderful places to visit. 

Snow Tubing - too fun

Taysen had so much FUN tubing with Grandma Deonne, Grandpa Lynn, Great Grandpa Schrauth, Aunt Brooke, Mommy Mindy and Daddy Clint...that she had to take a nap --- it was so cute to watch her eyes drift off when we were pulling her around --
She had so much fun walking up the hill -- she didn't want anyone to carry her!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas

Dear Family and Friends ~ December 2009

We are grateful to know so many wonderful people that have touched our lives. It is nice to reflect upon the memories and love that we share with each of you during this special time of year. We are blessed to celebrate and honor our Savior’s birth and remember the extraordinary gift that he has given each of us.

Taysen is a true joy. She just turned 18 months on the 10th of December. She is a sweetheart; she captures every person she meets with her smile. We are continually stopped in the stores and restaurants so others can make her acquaintance. She is a very happy little girl, full of love and laughter to share. She loves to tease, especially her little dog, Dugan. She is a great helper; she finds little pieces of lint on the floor and throws them in the trash. She “mops” the floor with her own paper-towel and even pretends to vacuum – with the real vacuum. She just took her first steps tonight and giggled the entire time. She loves to talk all of the time (I guess she is a true girl) and has learned quite a bit of sign language. Taysen loves to eat; I mean she loves to eat if it is CANDY! She has the biggest sweet tooth and is the pickiest eater ever; it drives mom crazy.

As of last January, Clint was offered a position to be the Maintenance Supervisor for Island View, a treatment center for adolescent teens. He has recently been working many extra hours remodeling the dorm areas. He has rebuilt desks, closets, tables, and chairs and painted everything in sight. Even though Clint has been working many hours, he and his friends decided that they would get up at 4:30am to get to work an hour early to play basketball. Clint continues to work with the youth in our church and is now the youth basketball coach. Clint was excited to say good buy to his 1996 Stratus and welcome his new Camry this year.

Mindy has started working part-time for Solstice, a treatment center for adolescent girls. She primarily works from home, talking on the phone with perspective parents and referring consultants. She is lucky to have a wonderful mother and mother-in-law to watch Taysen a few times a month when she goes into work to give the tours. Come January, Mindy is looking forward to begin a city league volleyball team; she can hardly wait. Mindy has most recently been asked to work with the youth in our church as well. This keeps her and Clint super busy. Mindy sadly said good-buy to her Grandpa when he past away this August from cancer; she misses him dearly.

Clint and Mindy are excited to be heading out of town and going to Cancun on January 1st with Mindy’s parents and sisters. We can hardly wait to go swim with the fishes and enjoy the sun. We are a little sad because baby Taysen will be playing at home with “Grandma Saline” and not joining us.

May the New Year find you in good spirits and God bless you this wonderful holiday season.

With love ~ Clint, Mindy, Taysen and Dugan Saline

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I like my BONES!!

Taysen loved Halloween and all the scary things about it...and I loved this picture, it is too funny!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Playing at Black Island Farms

Tay and her friends Kade and Kylie jumped in the big was pretty fun until Taysen slid out and got stuck inbetween the pumpkin and the net door...she had a huge smile on her face when I picked her up! Dayna, Sheryl open those eyes...good job kids, you kept your eyes opened!

Yes it was cold, we were all bundled up -expt Kasey...she said she was hot. I'm not a protective mom, Taysen wanted to wear 3 hats!!!!!!!!

the train was too cute...pigs and cows made out of large water storage containers pulled by a!!

Taysen's favorite part was playing in the corn....she was in heaven. She also really liked going down the slides, but I didn't get a picture b/c I was usually helping her go down :)

Cousin Kasey is so cute. She was fun to play with!

Hope you have a BEARY Happy Halloween!

Ba-Ma (Grandma) Deonne and meeny (Mindy) took me (Tay) to take my pictures at Black Island was so windy, lucky for me I had my fur to keep me warm!! I didn't want to sit on the hay but "meeny" kept bribing me with candy! yum

Taysen was a pretty good actress...she wanted to be done. As soon as she was back in mom's arms, she was all smiles...even bigger smiles when she got to the car and got to eat pa - pa (pop corn) and sit in the front seat with grandma while meeny picked out a 20 lb head of cabbage!

Black Island Famrs is a great place...lots of fun!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Do you go 4-wheeling, snowmobiling, cross country skiing, hiking, fishing, swimming or just need to relax?????
Then you should rent our beautiful CABIN!

Located in the Uinta Mountains in Christmas Meadows, Utah (only a 30 minute drive from Evanston, WY)
Deck with view of the Bear River and gas BBQ grill. Master Bedroom with king log poster bed and large jetted tub. Bathroom with a shower on main level. Loft bedroom has two log poster queen size beds. Private bathroom with shower on loft level. Living room with two sofas. Pull-out bed for main level. Big Screen TV with DVD Player, Dish Network, and gas log fireplace. Full kitchen, dishes and utensils for eight. Maximum of 8 Guests. Swimming pool and two hot tubes. Sun - Thurs $200 per night, Fri, Sat, Holidays $275 per night. Full-Week Rental $1,600. SAVE BIG – to rent directly from Bear River, it is $2,600 to rent for one week – you can save $1,000 if you rent through us.
*You can call me if you are interested* 801-336-8772